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NEICE Databases and Bibliographies

The Institute ceased its activity and the charity was dissolved at the end of April 2013 This is a copy of the NEICE website active at that date

NEICE Databases and Bibliographies

NEICE 1981 – 2013
The Institute ceased its activity and the charity was dissolved at the end of April 2013
This is a copy of the NEICE website active at that date

Research in Preaching Project

In collaboration with St John’s College, Durham, the Institute has compiled a database of over 800 references to journal articles, books and theses on preaching, in preparation for a forthcoming reader and to service future research in this area. A printout of the database may be purchased from the Institute.

The Resrelch Database

NEICE developed the first comprehensive database of current and recent research relevant to the Christian churches pursued in the United Kingdom and Ireland, at the request of the Advisory Board of Ministry of the Church of England and The Churches Theological Research Trust. The database, which is now operated under the auspices of that Trust, currently comprises over 5,300 entries.

The Bibcerep Database

This Papyrus-based bibliographical database of publications in Christian education, religious education, and related areas of practical and empirical theology, now contains nearly 20,000 references to appropriate books, theses and journal articles. It is hoped to make it more widely available in due course.
Additional details.

See also Select bibliography of books on Christian education theory and researchBibliography of recent work on church schools and a Bibliography on Christian Education and Adult Learning.