The Institute ceased its activity and the charity was dissolved at the end of April 2013
This is a copy of the NEICE website active at that date
Revd Jeff Astley, MA (Cambridge), DipTh (Birmingham), PhD (Durham)
Honorary Professor in the Department of Theology and Religion, Durham University

Jeff Astley was appointed as Founding Director of the Institute in 1981; he previously worked in parish ministry, university chaplaincy and higher education. He has taught at undergraduate and postgraduate level in Durham University since 1981. He is the author or editor of over thirty-five books on Christian education, practical theology or religious faith. His publications include The Philosophy of Christian Religious Education; Theological Perspectives on Christian Formation; Choosing Life? Christianity and Moral Problems; Learning in the Way: Research and Reflection on Adult Christian Education; Children, Churches and Christian Learning; Ordinary Theology: Looking, Listening and Learning in Theology; Exploring God-Talk: Using Language in Religion; Christ of the Everyday and the SCM Studyguide to Christian Doctrine. He is a visiting professor at Glyndwr University and York St John University.
Administrative Secretary:
Mrs Evelyn E Jackson, BA (Durham), DipCG (Newcastle Polytechnic)
Consultant to Ordinary Theology Project:
Mrs Ann Christie, BSc (London), PGCE (York), MA (Leeds), PhD (Durham)
Senior Lecturer in Theology and Ministry, York St John University
A number of research assistants and honorary associates also work for the Institute on particular projects.
For contact information for the staff of the Institute, see Contact NEICE.