Seminars, Conferences and Symposia
The Institute ceased its activity and the charity was dissolved at the end of April 2013
This is a copy of the NEICE website active at that date
Seminars, Conferences and Symposia
NEICE 1981 – 2013
The Institute ceased its activity and the charity was dissolved at the end of April 2013
This is a copy of the NEICE website active at that date
NEICE Christian Education Seminar
This is an ecumenical, interdisciplinary occasional seminar which meets to discuss papers on Christian education, religious education, practical theology or related issues.
Previous Conferences and Symposia
From time to time NEICE organises local, national and international conferences and symposia on Christian education topics. Recent themes have included:
- Worship and Christian Learning
- Christian Learning, Education and Spirituality
- Church School Studies
- Christian Theology and Religious Education (see book: Christian Theology and Religious Education)
- Music, Theology and Christian Learning (see book: Creative Chords)
- ‘Education and Ministry’ Training
- Myers-Briggs Training
- Implicit Religion and Christian Education (see
- Computers and RE
- Family Life Education
- Adolescence and Faith
- Religious Broadcasting
- Prestel and Religious Teletext
- The Morality of the Media
- The Theology of Church Colleges
- Ordinary Ecclesiology (see book: Exploring Ordinary Theology)